This is the pretty thing that leapt forth from the machine last night. You're probably thinking "yes, that's nice looking bread, I guess. Would you like a high five?" First of all, yes I WOULD like a high five thankyouverymuch, and secondly, THIS BREAD HAS NUTELLA IN IT. If you're not familiar, Nutella is a hazelnut chocolate spread that would probably go really well with Marshmallow Fluff on a day where you want to bounce off the walls like a 5 year old. It is candy in spread form. You can not buy it at your natural food market, which should give you an idea of how artificially delightful it is.
So I made a little 1 pound loaf out of:
1/3 cup milk
1/6 cup water
1/6 cup Nutella
1 egg
2 cups bread flour
1.5 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp active dry yeast
1/4 cup (or extra ;P) of toasted hazelnuts, chopped - I just stuck them in a ziplock bag and went to work with a rolling pin
Funny fact- in the UK our Nutella adverts are claiming its a healthy snack as the ingredients involve nuts and milk..... we're clearly ignoring the sugar content from the chocolate.
ReplyDeleteTip: nutella on baked bananas is the best end to a bbq EVER xx