Sunday, July 31, 2011

New Friends to Whom I Can Give Speeches

This weekend I celebrated my birthday, and these cute little guys are one of my gifties!  These are Monster Chunks, pattern by Rebecca Danger (she's such a Rock Star!), and you can see that my friend Kate made me an army of them!  We have a running joke (that is perhaps based in reality) that I am prone to breaking out in to a speech at any given moment, and that my biggest frustration is lack of audience during these impromptu speeches.  XD  She's such a problem solver.  These Monster Chunks came with a story book of what their adventures were in England before they came to live with me, and I'm almost fearful about the amount of trouble they can get in to!  I mean, don't they just look like trouble?


  1. Those are way too cute. I love them!!

  2. "And that, my minions, is how the west was REALLY won."

  3. Indeed, they do look like trouble!

    BTW, I love your Marilinda socks. They look SO hard.
